Continuing Education
Whether you are are current CPE Intern or a Spiritual Care professional, Continuing Education is important and often it is required. SLCET strives to present relevant, up-to-date education opportunities for those in the Spiritual Care and Counseling field. Check here often to learn about our Continuing Education opportunities.
Rev. Dr. Paula Belleggie
is a board certified Clinical Pastoral Education Supervisor/Educator and the Director of Spiritual Living Center for Education & Training. With several years serving as a clinical chaplain, and a passion for all things chaplaincy related, she is uniquely qualified to facilitate learning about spiritual care planning.
Rev. Dr. Paula Belleggie
is a board certified Clinical Pastoral Education Supervisor/Educator and the Director of Spiritual Living Center for Education & Training. She is an avid fan and student of the work of Joseph Campbell. She relies on Campbell’s and Jung’s mythological models in her work as a Chaplain and a CPE Supervisor.
Meaningful Spiritual Care Planning and Documentation
Learn to create consistent spiritual care plans and relevant documentation using appropriate spiritual care terms and algorithms.
When: Friday, August 5, 5PM - 8PM MDT and Saturday, August 6, 9AM - 4PM MDT Where: Online via Zoom Cost: SLCET Current Interns and Graduates - $150 if paid before July 30; $175 after July 30. Other attendees - $175 if paid before July 30; $200 after July 30.
Building on the Full Circle Spiritual Care Model taught by SLCET, we will practice assessment, spiritual care planning and outcomes. We will also practice relevant and meaningful documentation.
You’ll learn:
Spiritual care terms
Spiritual Care algorithms for care planning
Well-formed spiritual care outcomes
How to meaningfully articulate spiritual care interventions
Anyone who works in spiritual care or aspires to will benefit. All areas of chaplaincy will find this course useful, including hospice, hospital, palliative care, recovery and even congregational settings.
The Quest for Meaning Through Personal Mythology
Personal Myth speaks to concerns of Identity (Who am I?), Direction (Where am I going?) and Purpose (Why am I going there?). Join us in this enlightening workshop series to discover more about your own personal mythology and the ways in which it influences your life and ministry.
When: Six Mondays, October 3 - November 14, 5PM - 8PM MDT. No class on October 31. Where: Online via Zoom Cost: SLCET Current Interns and Graduates - $600 if paid before September 15; $650 of paid after September 15. Other attendees - $700 if paid before September 15; $750 after September 15.
We will explore the domains of cultural mythology as Joseph Campbell defines them:
• The hunger to comprehend the natural world in a meaningful way
• The search for a marked pathway through the succeeding epochs of human life
• The need to establish secure and fulfilling relationships within a community
• The yearning to know one’s part in the vast wonder and mystery of the cosmos
Building on the Full Circle Spiritual Care Model of Awareness taught in SLCET’s CPE Program, you will utilize Jung’s and Campbell’s approaches and the processes of David Feinstein and Stanley Kripper to discover your guiding personal mythology, how it serves you and how it gets in your way. You will learn to form a Conscious Alliance with your personal mythology and to create a New Kind of Myth.